RECEIVED ON 25.01.2011
Junior Chamber International India
Integrity Day
Integration means the unity of the nation. It has been rightly said “United we stand but divided we fall”. A nation which is not united falls like a house of cards. It is a particular sentiment that binds together all people in one common bond no matter what their religion, language or history is. It is strong cementing force whereby  all kinds of people live together peacefully and can identify themselves as a part of a single whole. We belong to India. India is ours is the feeling which constitutes the very basis of national integration.

India is a vast country with a vast population. If we get united, this great human force with great resources of the country can carry the whole world with us. The worst tragedy that has devoured up India is complete national disintegration. It appears that India is not a nation, but simply a crowd of separate individuals each differing from the other, yet living together.

It is the foresight of our founder Henry Gissenbir who believed that in some time of tomorrow JCI will stir the people towards the
establishment of a permanent and everlasting world peace. Now is the time to act.

INTEGRITY DAY is a day that makes you feel and celebrate the quality of honesty and the morality upright in our own life that adds value to our life, the society and the  country that we belong. The objective of celebrating the INTEGRITY DAY can provide an opportunity to Children, Youth and Individuals by introducing themselves to Values and Principles.

February is the right month to have this program as the school and and colleges will be working with full swing. On 2 February all
over the nation Jaycees shall celebrate Integrity day. INTEGRITY
DAY would be celebrated on 2nd February of each year from 2011 to 2013 as National Integrity Day and from 2014 go global as INTERNATIONAL INTEGRITY DAY.


I understand that,
- My actions, my deeds, my speech and my thinking
makes my life
- I promise that, I shall not waste time in unproductive
- I shall not commit any action that might bring disgrace to my family, society, country and to me
- I shall not disrespect another living being in my life
- I shall not live a life which would cause even the slightest pain in anybody's mind or body
- I promise never to covet other's money, material and relationship
- I understand that earning out of personal, honest effort alone is rightfully mine
This pledge I take to make my family, my society and my country a better place.

Junior Chamber International India
Integrity Day
It is encouraged to organize INTEGRITY DAY on  2 February all over the country by involving as many people as possible. Following activities canbe organized on this day;

- Giving oath to school children on Integrity during morning assembly
- Organising elocution on Integration - Essay writing competition
- Having prayer on peace involving all community
- Fancy dress competition on various ethnic community dress
- Any project to know about others culture
- Pledge can be displayed in major public gathering places
- Slides in cinema halls
- Press release on integrity daycelebration and the oath

For further details :
Program Area of JCI India
National Head quarters
Ami Kalash, 2nd Floor
I C Colony Road, Borivali (W)
MUMBAI - 400103
Design: Jc Devaraj TN, National Director Programs 2011
Concept: Jc. AM Govindaraj, Past Executive Vice President